Maor Fine – Sky High Performer

Maor Fine – Sky High Performer
Maor Fine – Sky High Performer
CAGED is an artistic journey of dance theater, modern circus, aerial dance and sky-high walking combined with interactive video art and epic original live music.

„Watching CAGED will take you onto a rollercoaster of emotions as the story in this cutting edge performance unfolds from the ground up until it reaches the sky.“ In a constant search for freedom and redemption, the hero tries to escape from his cage, but true freedom is very elusive and hence our journey begins. It will take us on a fantastic path between hope and desolation, between freedom and incarceration, between darkness and light.

Willing to risk it all and go to extremes the hero will do whatever it takes to be free.
Because if you want to be truly free you have to put it all on the line. „Walking and dancing on a thin line hanging tall between two buildings while thousands of people are watching down below is one of the best experiences of my life. Seeing and hearing the audience, the fear, the excitement, the hope and the relief when I finally reach to the other side is something I am truly embracing.“

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Maor Fine - Sky High Performer
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