Master 'N' Margarita

Master 'N' Margarita
In Serbia,
where is no any kind of circus school and comprehension of circus is still on
the level of circus tent full of animals, finding the way to contemporary and
modern circus was long and difficult.

Working on
the jobs that have no connections to any kind of performing arts, we recognized
our love for those kinds of arts first like a hobby and hanging around with
friend with similar interests, soon after it became our main occupation and
life style. After we quitted our jobs and gave all of our attention to
performing we needed a new source of income so we started using our new
developed skills in small events around Serbia. After a while we bumped on each
other on those events and started working together and in 2014 we formed
busking duo Master’n’Margarita. After trying different circus disciplines, we
realized that fire performing is the thing for us, so we started working on our
first proper street fire show. And that’s how was born “Jokes on you”. With it we started to work on the
streets out of Serbia. As only basking duo from Serbia we progressed fast and collect
knowledge and skills to make a new better street show “Cabaret for Dummies” a
mixture of comedy, dance and fire. Till this day we are traveling
with our fire cabaret as a married couple, trying to present the audience new
funny side of fire performing.

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SRB-21000 Novi Sad
Master 'N' Margarita
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